Fitness & Fatherhood Part 6: My Best Days Are My Most Productive Days

Lately I’ve come to realization that the days that I enjoy the most are the ones that I’m the busiest. I’m not just talking about busy at work, but busy at home as well. We’ll just call it busy with life. I’ve always thought about this stereotype that on the weekend or weekday evenings your supposed to just relax. I don’t really like that because it’s boring. I like to be busy, I like to be productive. I’m not saying I never relax or get lazy. I’m lazy sometimes, but now that I have a daughter it’s really pushed me to be productive with my free time whether I want to or not.

I’ve noticed that those busy days are so much more fulfilling. It reminds me of when I went to grad school, which looking back was a really fun time for me. I was working full time, a full time grad student, I lifted weights 4-5 days a week, and I had a high energy dog at home that needed a lot of attention. I think about how much fun I had being busy with all those things even though I was tired a lot. Nowadays is no different. I’m often pretty tired, and I have a tendency to forget a lot because I have so many things going on, but it’s fun. Writing this blog is fun, it keeps me busy. Mopping the floor is isn’t necessarily fun but I don’t mind it because it keeps me busy, and also because I like the way the floor looks when it’s clean.

My goal over the next month is to try to spend as much time as I can being productive and spend as little time as possible being lazy. We’re just now getting settled in to a routine with Evelyn, but things are going to get chaotic once again a month from now when we pick our new doberman puppy. I can’t wait! We’ll be running around like maniacs, but it will be fun. Also, by default my Sunday evenings should become much more productive since Game of Thrones is ending. Thanks for reading!


Fitness & Fatherhood Part 7: Intermittent Fasting Update


Fitness & Fatherhood Part 5: Saving Time by Intermittent Fasting