Healthy Habits in 2020

We’re into the new year and similar to most people after gorging on everything in sight I’ve added a few pounds.  So it’s time for me to make some adjustments to lose this newly acquired adipose tissue and get my diet back on track.  This time around I’m going to take a little bit different approach rather than stating, I want to lose X number of pounds, or whatever.  This time I’m going to simply try to add in some healthy habits one at a time every week or two. This way I aggregate good habits over time that will hopefully stick around.  The idea is that the aggregation of these good habits will result in fat loss, better nutrition, diet, etc..

This is not an original idea of mine.  I’ve heard this numerous times before, but most recently Dan John mentioned it on his podcast.  When I heard him mention it, I was like “Yeah, that makes sense. I should do that.” So that is the plan.  My hope is that rather than just achieving a short term goal of shedding a few pounds I added during the holidays I would hang on to some of these habits indefinitely therefore bettering my overall health in the long term.  

I’ve been a health conscious person for the better part of two decades now so I know that you go through different phases and goals.  So as these goals and what not change so do your habits. The goal here is to create some sustainable habits to begin an aggregation of good habits that I’m currently not doing.  Someone reading this who knows me may think “Dude! You’re already a healthy person”. Yes, I’m reasonably healthy, but there is always room for improvement. And I am far from reaching anywhere close to my full potential in the realm of healthy habits and diet.  So that’s the plan over the next few weeks. We’ll see how it goes!

Thanks for reading,


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