Home Gym Workout Programming for Busy Parents


I’ve been thinking a lot about my workout programming lately, or maybe I should say the lack thereof.  I haven’t really done a written workout plan for quite some time now.  Instead, I’ve been doing my sort of “go to” workout regime of barbell lifts supplemented with kettlebells, calisthenics, and a bit of bodybuilding.  I also throw in a good dose of mountain biking or cycling for cardio.  I don’t adhere to any particular rep scheme on any given day, however I do use sets and rep schemes for my barbell lifts such as 3x8, 5x5, and 5/3/2, and so on.  

I feel like I’m in great shape, especially given I’m 42 years old.  I think I’m reasonably strong for my age, body type, and all the bike riding I do.  Given the somewhat chaotic nature of my workouts of late it got me thinking about the Crossfit mantra of constantly varied workouts.  I started to wonder “is Crossfit actually right?”  Further analysis of my own workouts and I see that although my reps/sets vary, the  movements I perform don't vary all that much.  Each workout I perform one of the four fundamental movements: push, pull, hinge, squat.  I usually do one main movement with the barbell that is the focus of the workout.  So for example, I may do 3x8 front squats, and next work out 8/5/2 or some other combination of Fibonacci numbers, and so on.  Occasionally, I may randomly do back squats one workout, but that’s the exception not the rule.  I tend to treat the other fundamental movements the same. So I think rather than constantly varying it’s more of undulating periodization, which is different from constantly varying movements and workouts. 

I’m not an expert on Crossfit programming, but my understanding is they still have some basic structure of movements and hierarchy of exercise genres.  I know there’s a lot more to it than that, but it doesn’t matter.  The same science applies, anyone who wants to get better at lifting weights, whether or not they're doing Crossfit, has to train.  And training requires periodization.  What’s dawned on me is that it doesn’t necessarily have to be completely structured reps and sets each workout that is planned out for several weeks; it can “vary”.  

This epiphany has really been a game changer in my approach to working out.  I don’t feel so constricted by a super strict workout regimen.  If I’m short on time then 3x8 with a one minute rest.  Feeling strong, then 5x5.  It’s a really flexible way to get a good workout, because we all know that life does not always afford us the luxury of time, energy, etc.  

If you’re training for sport or to maximize your strength potential, then this is probably not the best approach.  However, if that’s your goal you’re on the wrong website.  For the rest of us looking at modest gains, sustainable workouts conducive with a busy schedule it seems to me that varying rep/sets may be the way to go.  Anyway, just some random workout thoughts floating through my brain.

Thanks for reading.


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