Book Review: Dune by Frank Herbert


Dune is one of those books that as a Sci Fi fan you've always had on your radar to read at some point.  For the uninitiated, Dune is a space fantasy novel focused around the subjugation of a planet's people, and their fight for freedom against an evil galactic empire.  I must admit that I was a little bit skeptical that it could live up to its billing being that it is almost 60 years old.  I feared the story would be a bit dated, but there is so much adulation towards this book I had to read it.  I have to admit I was not disappointed.  It is a fantastic book.  Frank Herbert creates an entire new universe similar to how Tolkien created Middle Earth or Martin created Westeros, and you can see how Dune inspired later science fiction stories. 


As I read Dune I felt parallels to Star Wars and Game of Thrones.  I saw how Herbert's story was a forerunner to these stories.  I could very easily envision Lucas, and Martin, and many others drawing their ideas and inspiration from it.  The whole time I was reading about Paul Atreidis and the Bene Gesserit on the desert planet of Arrakis I couldn't help but think of Luke Skywalker and the Jedi and Tatooine.  The tragedy of a royal family and rivalry between the royal houses in Dune was so reminiscent of Game of Thrones it surely was an inspiration for Martin and the royalty of Westeros.

Frank Herbert went on to write five more novels based on the universe he created in Dune.  I'm excited to read those now as well.  If you are a science fiction fan then this is a must read.  I could go on gushing about the story, but there is no need.  I can tell you all you need to know in this one phrase:  Dune is awesome, go read it.


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