A Walk in the Neighborhood


Something I’ve really missed over the last couple of years was daily walks with my dog.  It had become part of my daily routine.  When my dog Kayla was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago we weren’t able to take her walks anymore.  Of course we still had our pekingese Luci, but those walks weren’t quite the same because they were so short.  We could always take a walk without a dog, and we did, but there is just something about being with your buddy that just makes it more enjoyable.  It’s funny because when you have a dog that needs walking every day it can sometimes feel like such a hassle.  You don’t realize how much you enjoyed it until it’s gone.


We now have our new puppy Ace and we are taking him on long daily walks.  I’d forgotten how much I enjoy it.  I do a lot of thinking when I’m out walking.  It gives me some quiet time to decompress and think or plan out the rest of my day or evening.  And it gets me out and about in the neighborhood.  You meet people and see things that you’d otherwise miss out on.  I could probably fill up several pages with stories of all the things that happened when Kayla and I were out walking.  It’s funny too because people begin to recognize you through your dogs.  A few years ago I was at the doctor’s office and it turned out that the nurse lived on my street.  I said we had a doberman and pekingese that we walked a lot and she knew exactly who I was after that.  She said “Oh yeah, I see y'all all the time”.   

So it’s been a lot of fun walking with Ace.  We’ve started meeting and talking with folks around the neighborhood, which is great. It’s good exercise.  It burns a few extra calories and it’s great after sitting all day at work or commuting.  All of the reasons I mentioned are great reasons to take the dog for a walk.  Although, really it’s just a lot of fun taking a walk with my buddy.  

Thanks for reading and take care,


Introducing the Great Aesir