Introducing the Great Aesir


Well we did it.  We took the plunge and got a puppy.  Sometimes I wonder if we lost our minds getting a Doberman Pinscher puppy while we have a 10 month old infant.  Oh, we also have our 11 year old Pekingese.  The AKC registered name we gave our puppy is The Great Æsir, after the pantheon of Nordic Gods, but we’re calling him Ace for short. 

So far it’s been a real roller coaster with this guy.  In the first few weeks we’ve had him our daughter has been sick (twice) and I got sick for a solid 10 days with a stomach bug ( I think she gave it to me).  Then my wife got sick.  So there has been some challenges, but it’s been a lot of fun too though.  He is sharp as a tack and loves his obedience training.  We’re on a rotating schedule where in the morning one of us is responsible for the baby and the other the puppy.  In the evening we switch.  This has worked well so far, it’s just been a lot of work.  Anyone who has ever owned or been around a Doberman puppy knows what a handful they can be.  He’s already learned how to open doors in our house since we have those lever door handles instead of actual door knobs.  His ears are cropped so we have to post them and take them down once a week as well.  It’s been a lot of work, but nothing worth doing is ever easy.  

Yes, we’ve probably lost our minds taking all this on, but hey it’s better than being bored.  And we got a Doberman in our house again!  So everything is back to normal!

Thanks for reading and take care.


A Walk in the Neighborhood


Saying Goodbye